Phone: 326 332 991
orthopeadics - procedures and examinations
MUDr. Daniel Horáček
A minimally invasive method of surgery leading to rapid healing and return to normal life. Only appropriate cases can be treated with this method.
Advantages: smaller incision, less pain, less analgesia, one day hospital (shortened hospital stay), faster return to active life.
Improved instruments, techniques and experience of surgeons allow more demanding types of surgery.
The Clinic's strengths include excellent results from anterior cruciate ligament replacement and rotator cuff repair, thanks to the experience gained from the world's leading clinics, including the Mayo Clinic in the USA - Dr. Lehovec.
For acute injuries, our Clinic provides a quick determination of the extent of bone and joint damage, if necessary also using magnetic resonance imaging.
Clients of our Clinic are not only professional but also amateur athletes from all sports.
The most common disability that limits sporting activities is instability of the knee joint due to insufficient function of the most important stabilizer of the knee joint, which is the anterior cruciate ligament, referred to by patients as the cruciate ligament.
We most often perform these procedures on the following joints:
Knee: treatment of menisci, cartilage including transplantation, surgery of injured ligaments (anterior and posterior cruciate ligament), removal of loose bodies.
Shoulder: rotator cuff treatment, treatment of joint instability, synovialectomy, removal of loose bodies
Elbow: synovialectomy, removal of loose bodies, cartilage treatment
Ankle: synovialectomy, removal of loose bodies, cartilage treatment, anterior impingement treatment
Wrist: arthroscopic surgery for post-traumatic disabilities of the small joints of the hand, removal of loose bodies, treatment of cartilage, instability
Photodocumentation of surgical findings is a standard part of every arthroscopic operation at Dr. Pírka's Clinic.
All arthroscopic operations are recorded via a digitized modern monitoring system. The photodocumentation is archived.
The patient can therefore see the progress of the operation and the changes made during the follow-up with the surgeon. The patient can receive the image documentation in digital form free of charge.
The time a patient spends in the operating theatre is individual.
Upon arrival at our facility, an anaesthesiologist will visit the patient and agree with the patient the appropriate method of anaesthesia and post-operative analgesia.
During and immediately after surgery, we use procedures and systems that spare blood loss. Admission for surgery is usually on the day of surgery and a large number of procedures are performed as day surgery with the option of same day discharge home.
In indicated and more complex cases, hospitalization for further days is always provided.
Postoperative course
After surgery, the patient is followed up in the postoperative ward, where his condition is continuously monitored. Further treatment then takes place in the superior beds of our facility, where the patient is cared for by a team of experienced nurses, orthopaedic surgeons and physiotherapists. During hospitalization, intensive rehabilitation is carried out with regard to the type of surgery and the patient's needs.
Complications and risks
Every surgical procedure carries certain risks, which the patient is informed about and educated about in advance.
The most common complications include thromboembolic disease or secondary healing.
Regimen recommendations for patients after total replacement can be found clearly on our website and will be repeatedly reminded during your stay with us.
See. Informed Consents.