Appointment time, phone: 326 375 404 / 326 332 991

Po   7:00 - 15:30

Út    7:00 - 15:30

St    7:00 - 15:30

Čt    7:00 - 15:30

Pá   7:00 - 15:30

MUDr. Martina Košková, vedoucí oddělení

The outpatient diabetology and podiatry department provides comprehensive outpatient diabetic care, using modern diagnostic and treatment methods; the department also includes an educational centre in this area.

The department is headed by an experienced diabetologist, MUDr. Martina Košková and Mrs. Romana Švejdová.

Klinika Dr.Pírka offers in the field of diabetology and podiatry:

  • Diabetic foot care
  • Continuous glucose monitoring
  • Doppler measurement of lower limb pressures
  • Transcutaneous oximetry

 Specialist consultations in the outpatient clinics with appointments: outpatient clinic phone: 326 375 404 and reception: 326 332 991. Personal approach to each client. 


The diabetology and podiatry outpatient clinic provides comprehensive outpatient diabetes care.